Thursday, 18 November 2010

Robs spaceship design (Part 3)

…some landing gear…. :P
Rear door with some steps….
With windscreen….. proved to be a bugger… but…. Why should that have been any different to the rest of the model ay? :P
There have been a few changes since these pics.. but not a great deal. Had other things going on and its kind of taken a back seat again.

Biggest change is I added a character :P … brought in the old ROB-BOT from my final film. Depending on how things go….maybe not for this particular challenge… but at some point…. Might try animate him in the ship……we will see though…..

Erm… also added a few little bits and bobs in the interior too. Chair etc…. but still working on those bits.
…and that’s where im at with it so far. Would like to get some nice colours on to it and stuff…..but… im not exactly clued up on how to do that… not sure how that will turn out….

So far its probably taken…..well, its got to be over 20 hours. With restarts and mistakes and stuff. Far too long anyway… for something so simple…

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